Sabtu, 14 Julai 2018

Weekend Random Thoughts


Just chillin with my coffee on my work desk and reading a book. Tapi saya rasa nak menaip sesuatu asking questions. Saya harap sesiapa yang baca boleh menjawabnya. I know I have a lot of silent readers 😇

  1. Adakah korang sedang mengalami masalah kulit? Tak kira la apa jeragat ke jerawat ke parut. like me I have a lot of acne scars
  2. Apakah reaksi korang apabila seseorang atau a group or bunch of peoples discussed atau make fun about your skin? I Just Smile but I will cry in the middle of a night and I will write about it in my diary so I can remember the moment they talked about me and their priceless expressions.
  3. Adakah skin problems korang memberi kesan kepada kehidupan korang? For me Yes but now I'm already okay with it, No not really okay.  
  4. Do you have any motivational songs to make you get through the day? My favorite is Missing You from All Time Low
Saya harap you guys my audiences, my readers, my silent readers boleh la jawab soalan saya. Hihi

Comment down below!

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4 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...

I ada acne and low self esteems

Syafiqah Al berkata...

stay strong I know its hard!

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Hi!Sy nk kongsi ngn u utk ur 2nd quest..Sy ni since primary school dh ade jerawat bnyk sgt like really2 bad..n uknowlah org yg brnama manusia ni kalau ade je yg nmpk buruk mulalah nk maki n tegur n siap promote suh pakai ini tk semua orgla just certain people yg otak sempit ja yg suka maki hamun ni bile dh kene maki ke tegur sikit ke mulalah nk menangis je keje smpai ada satu msa tu sy sgt2 benci diri sy sndiri n at tht time i was really down n mmbuatkn sy tknk kluar rumah hmmm

Syafiqah Al berkata...

Hi! Thank u for your comment and sharing your experience. don’t hate yourself but love yourself! If No one gonna loves you at least yourself loves you. Stay strong